On Friday afternoon, BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari posted a video on social media accusing Ward No. 125 Councillor Chanda Sarkar of corruption. In the video, Chanda is heard allegedly negotiating a land deal with a promoter, discussing rates, and agreeing to a payment of ₹1 lakh. Although only Chanda appears in the video, it is implied that several people were present during the conversation.
Suvendu claims the video captures Chanda Sarkar requesting money related to a land transaction. In the video, she is heard asking, “At what rate did Ghanashri take?” to which someone responds, “₹150 per square foot.” Chanda then appears to offer a discounted rate of ₹80 and agrees to start the work after receiving ₹1 lakh as an advance.
তোলামূল কংগ্রেসের ঝাড়ের সব বাঁশ-ই সমান !!!
— Suvendu Adhikari (@SuvenduWB) September 27, 2024
দুর্নীতি এবং এদের নেতা নেত্রীরা সমার্থক। কলকাতা পুরসভার আরও এক "স্কোয়ার ফুট (square foot) কাউন্সিলর" কে চিনে রাখুন।
১২৫ নং ওয়ার্ডের কাউন্সিলর; শ্রীমতি ছন্দা সরকার এক প্রোমোটার এর সাথে রফা করছেন:- pic.twitter.com/1YdYX9AZXx
Chanda Sarkar has denied the allegations, claiming the video is doctored. She also issued a counter-warning to Suvendu, threatening to file a defamation suit. Chanda demanded that Suvendu disclose the source of the video.