The death of a young doctor in Kerala's Kozhikode district has sparked a debate about the media's penchant for playing up incidents to gain traction. A native of Wayanad and a PG student from Malabar Medical College Hospital, Kozhikode Dr. Tansiya, 25, was found dead in the flat on Wednesday.
According to reports, Tansiya was being treated for epilepsy and no death complaint has been reported so far. Police are awaiting a post-mortem report to determine the cause of death.
However, one of the doctor's relatives shared the trauma the family was going through in a Facebook post. The family, still coming to terms with the loss, finds it difficult to respond to media reports that have placed an unnecessary angle of mystery on the case. Some news portals reported that the doctor was found dead at a 'friend's house', giving readers a false impression. She shared an apartment with her friend Dr. Jazla and her family.