Bageshwar Dham's brother 'sarkar' Dhirendra Shastri was arrested today after a video of him abusing a Dalit family and brandishing a revolver went viral on social media. He is produced in the Chhatarpur court where the hearing is going on. A heavy force was deployed.
Dhirendra Shastri's brother, Shaligram Garg, is accused of breaking into a marriage, threatening a Dalit family and abusing them. The incident dates back to February 11 when the brother of 'Bageshwar Dham Sarkar' achieved a mass marriage and abused people. He was also charged with brandishing a weapon.
A video of the incident went viral on social media. In the video, Garg was allegedly seen pushing an unidentified man and threatening to shoot him with a pistol. With a cigarette in her mouth, she can also be heard hurling verbal abuse at the man.
An FIR was filed by the Bamitha Police under sections 294, 323, 506, 427 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) as well as the SC/ST Act.
On February 22, a new video of Saligram Garg firing in air has emerged from Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh. The video shows Saligram Garg standing in the middle of a group of youth and then firing in air.
Earlier on Tuesday, he had categorically stated that law should take its own course as far as the case against his brother Shaligram Garg is concerned. Shaligram is accused of pointing a gun and threatening a Dalit family during a mass wedding event in Madhya Pradesh`s Chhatarpur.
Dhirendra Krishna Shastri said a thorough investigation should be conducted in the case. “Whatever one does, he/she has to pay for it...we are with the truth, the law will take its own course..!” he said in Hindi in a video message. Dhirendra Shastri has recently hit headlines for various reasons, the most recent of them being his statement on making India a ‘Hindu Rashtra’.