Some time ago, Ranbir Kapoor said that he is open to doing a Pakistani film. The actor has now clarified that his comments were taken out of context. He further said that art has no boundaries, but it is not above ground.
However, he claimed to know several artists from Pakistan who have contributed to the Indian film industry.
Speaking at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah, Ranbir said that he might do a Pakistani film if he gets something good. While promoting Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar in Chandigarh, the actor went back on his past comments and said they were taken out of context.
"I was at a film festival and a lot of Pakistani filmmakers asked me this question: 'If you have a good subject, would you do it?' I didn't want it to be controversial in any way. "I don't think it's a bhi badi hui controversy. " (It was not a big controversy) But for me films are films, art is art. I worked with Fawad (Khan) in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. he knows a lot of artists from Pakistan. Rahat (Fateh Ali Khan) and Atif Aslam are such great singers, who have contributed to Hindi cinema. So cinema is cinema. I don't think cinema sees boundaries," he said.
However, Ranbir made it clear that art is not bigger than country. He added that the nation will always be his top priority. "But of course you have to respect art, but at the same time, art is not bigger than your country. So whoever is not good with your country, the first priority will always be your country," the actor said.
Ranbir Kapoor is awaiting the release of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar which is slated to hit the screens on March 8. It is his first collaboration with Shraddha Kapoor. Ranbir also has Animal directed by Sandeep Vanga in his kitty.