Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia arrived at the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) headquarters for questioning in the liquor policy case on Sunday after an impassioned send-off by AAP supporters. Sisodia left his home just before 10 am, standing out of the sunroof of his car and leading a roadshow of AAP supporters who waved placards and shouted slogans.
He visited Mahatma Gandhi's memorial at Delhi's Rajghat and then delivered a speech. Many AAP leaders said they have been put under house arrest because the CBI will arrest Manish Sisodia.
"I will be in jail for 7-8 months. Don't feel sorry for me, be proud. PM [Narendra] Modi is afraid of Arvind Kejriwal, so he wants to frame me in a fake case. You should fight on. My wife, who has stood by me from Day 1, is unwell and alone at home. Take care of her. And I want to tell children of Delhi, study hard and listen to your parents," Sisodia told supporters.
Sisodia and others face corruption allegations in bringing a new liquor sale policy to the national capital. Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena ordered the CBI probe last year. The Delhi government reverted to the old liquor policy and blamed the Lieutenant Governor for the loss of revenue worth crores of rupees.