It has been alleged by State BJP President Sukanta Majumder that the question paper for the Madhyamik English examination has been leaked. He posted three pictures on Twitter claiming that the question paper was circulating on social media 1 hour and 42 minutes after the start of the Madhyamik second language exam. The Board of Madhyamik Education has stated that they are investigating the matter to determine whether the question paper has indeed been leaked.
The Madhyamik English exam started at noon on Friday. Sukanta claimed that the question paper had been circulating since the morning of the exam, despite there being no official rule for releasing the English question paper for Madhyamik. However, some people have questioned how Sukanta obtained the question paper. One netizen suggested that there was no evidence to support Sukanta's claims, and another expressed disappointment in Sukanta's actions as a teacher.
Sukanta has remained firm in his allegations, stating at a press conference that the English question paper was circulating in Malda district and had been leaked by a leader of the Trinamool Education Cell. He claimed that the question paper had been circulating on various social media groups in the district long before the start of the exam.
If the question paper has indeed been leaked, the president of the board, Ramanuja Gangopadhyay, has assured that the matter will be thoroughly investigated. However, a source on the board has claimed that Sukanta's tweet was made much after the exam had commenced, so there will be no impact on the students and teachers. The board maintains that the question paper was not leaked.