Singer Sonu Nigam was manhandled and one of his aides was thrown off the stage allegedly over clicking a selfie at a music festival in Mumbai last night. The incident occurred at 11 pm in Chembur when Nigam was climbing down the stage after his live performance, police said. His aide, who suffered minor injuries, received basic treatment at a hospital and was discharged, police said.
"I fell on the steps after I was pushed. Rabbani came to save me and was pushed from behind. He could have died. I filed a complaint because people must ponder over it when they force someone for a selfie," Nigam told reporters. A case has been filed for wrongful restraint and voluntarily causing hurt, police said.
"The incident occurred when Sonu Nigam was leaving the stage after his live performance at the Chembur festival. He was stopped from behind by someone. When two people accompanying the singer tried to move him aside, the man pushed them down the steps. This led to one of them sustaining injuries," said Hemraj Singh Rajput, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP)-Zone-6.
The accused has been identified as Swapnil Phaterpekar, he said and dismissed social media rumours that the incident involved a politician and his goons.
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