Electronics and Information Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Wednesday urged all states and Union Territories to reach a consensus and enact a central law to regulate online gaming and gambling.
“19 states and union territories have enacted their own laws in this regard; 17 states have amended the Public Gambling Act and introduced sections against online gambling,” Vaishnaw said in the Lok Sabha, a report mentioned. "We should reach a consensus and have a central law to regulate online gaming and gambling," he added.
West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala are among the states that have banned online gambling earlier. Under the Public Gambling Act of 1867, which regulates the penalties for "public gambling" in the country, the legal distinction between gaming and gambling is determined by the presence of an element of skill.
An online game that does not require skill will be considered a gambling activity instead of a gaming activity for the purposes of the law. Section 12 of the Public Gambling Act 1867 exempts "any game of mere skill" from these penalties.