A three-year-old tigress named Zeenat, originally from Simlipal National Park in Odisha, was captured on Sunday after a nine-day journey through Jharkhand, Purulia, and Bankura. The tigress was subdued in Gosai Dihi, Bankura, at 3:58 PM with a fourth tranquilizer dart after earlier attempts using three darts on Saturday night failed. To restrict her movement, forest officials had cordoned off the area and lit fire barriers.
Zeenat was transported to Alipore Zoo Animal Hospital in Kolkata under heavy security, reaching at 12:10 AM on Monday. She is being kept in a specially prepared enclosure, where veterinarians are closely monitoring her condition. Initial observations revealed severe exhaustion and malnutrition, as she had not received proper food during her extensive journey. Experts are focusing on stabilizing her condition with adequate nutrition and rest.
The tigress had strayed from her habitat in Simlipal before traversing approximately 300 kilometers over nine days, often through human settlements. Her capture followed extensive tracking and collaboration between the West Bengal and Odisha forest departments. The Odisha government approved her treatment in Kolkata, and updates are being shared regularly between the two states.
The use of four tranquilizer darts over two days has prompted veterinarians to conduct detailed health assessments for any potential side effects. The timeline for Zeenat’s recovery remains unclear, and she will stay under observation until she is deemed fit to return to Simlipal. Plans for her relocation will depend on her health and behavior in the coming weeks.