A tragic accident claimed the life of 11-year-old Ayush Paik, a fourth-grade student at Vaishno Devi Academy High School in Krishnapur, Milan Bazar when two buses collided in Salt Lake while allegedly racing on Route 215A. The incident has left two others critically injured, including Ayush's aunt and his two-year-old sister, Afroza Khatun. Eyewitnesses reported that the buses were moving at uncontrolled speeds, with one of them crashing into a scooter carrying the family as they returned home from school.
According to local sources, Ayush’s aunt was driving the scooter, taking him and his younger sister from their school in Keshtopur back to their home in Gul Math. The collision occurred as the buses raced to overtake each other, ultimately hitting the scooter and throwing all three occupants onto the road. Despite immediate efforts to rush them to a private hospital in Ultadanga, Ayush's condition deteriorated, and he was referred to another facility where he tragically succumbed to his injuries during treatment.
The accident has sparked outrage in the Salt Lake area, with residents and witnesses alleging that reckless bus racing and poor traffic management have made the area increasingly dangerous. Angered by the incident, an agitated crowd gathered near the EM Bypass, where they blocked the road and vandalized multiple buses in protest. They expressed frustration over what they describe as negligence on the part of the police, alleging that bus-related accidents have become common due to poor enforcement of traffic laws and uncontrolled parking.
Residents and witnesses criticized the civic volunteers stationed in the area, claiming that they often fail to monitor traffic effectively, opting instead to use their phones rather than ensuring safety on the roads. One eyewitness stated, "When the bus hit them, no police came to their rescue. The police should have called an ambulance and admitted them to the hospital quickly, but instead, they were running behind the bus."