Barrackpur Cyber Crime officials have arrested six individuals in Siliguri linked to an extensive online fraud scheme involving ₹5.5 crore. The operation was initiated after a complaint was filed on September 25 by a victim who reported unauthorized transactions from their bank account, amounting to a staggering ₹5.5 crore. This prompted immediate action from the cybercrime unit, highlighting the urgency of addressing online scams that have become increasingly sophisticated.
Upon receiving the complaint, the Barrackpur Cyber Crime team commenced a detailed investigation. Initial inquiries revealed connections to a larger network operating from Siliguri, prompting cybercrime officials to gather intelligence from various sources. The information obtained indicated that the fraudsters were using sophisticated methods to manipulate digital banking systems, making it difficult for victims to identify the sources of their financial losses.
On Friday, armed with crucial intelligence, the Barrackpur Cyber Crime team, in collaboration with local police, executed a meticulously planned raid at a rented house located near Kanakta More in Siliguri. During the operation, law enforcement recovered a significant amount of evidence, including multiple ATM cards, bank passbooks, several mobile phones, and SIM cards. These items are believed to have played a critical role in facilitating the fraudulent activities and are expected to be key pieces of evidence in the ongoing investigation.
The six suspects were promptly presented in Jalpaiguri Court on Saturday, where they were placed on transit remand, allowing the Barrackpur Cyber Crime team to transport them back for further interrogation. Law enforcement officials have chosen not to disclose the names of the arrested individuals at this stage to maintain the integrity of the investigation and prevent any interference with ongoing inquiries. The cybercrime unit aims to identify any additional accomplices involved in the scam.