Two Kolkata Police officials, Kaushik Ghosh and Mohammad Montil, have been arrested for allegedly extorting approximately ₹4 lakh from a taxi driver. The accused were attached to the detective department and reportedly threatened the driver with a false drug case to coerce him into handing over the money.
The incident unfolded on August 29 near Mahakaran when the accused hailed the taxi from Ballygunge Circular Road. After stopping the vehicle, they identified themselves as police officers and intimidated the driver, instilling fear of arrest and the confiscation of his taxi. This led the driver to comply with their demands, ultimately paying ₹1.95 lakh in installments.
The complaint was filed at the Karaya police station, detailing the events of that day and highlighting the modus operandi of the accused officers. Their actions have raised concerns about police misconduct and the integrity of law enforcement in Kolkata.
In light of this incident, authorities have initiated an internal investigation to examine the behavior of the accused officers and determine if this is part of a larger pattern of corruption