To accommodate the surge in passengers during the Durga Puja festivities, Eastern Railway has introduced several additional Puja special trains. The decision comes in response to the high demand for tickets during this festive season, as many travelers flock to various destinations across Bengal.
According to railway sources, advance ticket booking arrangements are now in place, allowing passengers to purchase tickets either online or directly from railway counters. Popular destinations such as Digha, a beloved seaside location for many visitors, continue to draw large crowds during the Puja holidays, while the demand for travel to North Bengal remains significantly high.
In light of these factors, the Sealdah Division has announced nine new Puja special trains that will operate throughout October and November. These trains will depart from Sealdah and Kolkata stations, heading to various destinations. The detailed schedule of the new Puja special trains is as follows:
With these arrangements, Eastern Railway aims to ensure a smooth and comfortable travel experience for all passengers during the festive season.