In a dramatic turn of events, the Trinamool Congress (TMC) has released a video on social media, claiming that a "violent plot" is being orchestrated under the guise of the Nabanna Abhiyaan, scheduled for tomorrow. The video, posted on the TMC's official Twitter account, features conversations where individuals allegedly discuss inciting violence during the protest, with the shocking phrase "dead bodies must fall" being mentioned to gain "political momentum."
TMC leader Kunal Ghosh, in a press conference, accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of engaging in "vulture politics." He stated, "There is a big conspiracy going on around tomorrow's march. BJP is doing vulture politics. They say they want a body."
The Nabanna Abhiyaan, called by the West Bengal Chhatra Samaj, has drawn sharp criticism from the TMC, which claims that the BJP, along with organizations like the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), is using this movement to destabilize the state.
TMC leader Jay Prakash Majumder added to the accusations, alleging that one of the key figures behind the Chhatra Samaj is someone who has been accused of molesting women. The TMC has urged the public not to fall prey to incitement and has appealed for peace, warning against what they see as a deliberate attempt to create unrest in Bengal.