A disturbing incident occurred involving an Air India cabin crew member who was allegedly assaulted inside her hotel room in London. The airline has confirmed the "unlawful intrusion" at the hotel and is currently offering immediate assistance and professional counseling to the affected staff member and her colleagues.
The incident took place at a hotel near Heathrow Airport, operated by a major international chain. Air India issued a statement late last night expressing deep anguish over the incident and ensuring that all possible support is being provided to the crew member involved.
"We are deeply anguished by an unlawful incident of intrusion at a hotel, operated by a major international chain, that affected one of our crew members. We are providing all possible support to our colleague and their broader team, including professional counseling," the airline stated.
Reports suggest that the crew member may have been physically assaulted during the intrusion, though Air India has not officially confirmed these details. The accused, believed to be a Nigerian citizen, has been arrested by London police.
The airline has requested that the privacy of the involved crew member be respected as the investigation by London authorities continues. Air India has also assured its full cooperation with the local authorities to ensure a thorough probe into the incident.