A fish trader was shot in public view on Friday morning in Krishnanagar under the Kotwali police station area of Nadia district. The injured fish trader is undergoing treatment in the hospital in critical condition. According to reports, two brothers named Sameer Ghosh and Vishwanath Ghosh, residents of the Nagendranagar area of Krishnanagar, do fishery business.
They buy fish from the Gowari market of Krishnanagar every day and sell it in another market. Like every day, they went to Gowari market on Friday morning to buy fish. It is alleged that suddenly some miscreants in that area surrounded them and demanded extortion.
When they refused to pay the extortion, the miscreants suddenly took out a pistol and started firing at both the brothers. One bullet hit Vishwanath Ghosh's leg. The bullet fired at Sameer missed the target. Vishwanath Ghosh fell to the ground following which the miscreants hit his head with a gun.
During this, the accused fired a total of four rounds. After this, when other fishermen of the market heard the screams and gunshots, they reached the spot and the miscreants fled. Vishwanath Ghosh was taken to Shaktinagar District Hospital in a bloody condition. He is currently undergoing treatment there. On receiving the information, the police of Krishnanagar Kotwali police station reached the spot. Investigation is underway.