Shah Alam, a resident of Rajarhat's Jatragachi, has raised an alarm about the illegal constructions on a piece of land his grandfather, Haji Badsha Ali, donated 45 years ago for the welfare of the local community. The land, measuring six and a half bighas, was given to the government with the noble intent of establishing a hospital, graveyard, and Eidgah.
Despite the generous donation and the passing of nearly half a century, the promised infrastructure remains largely unfulfilled. The health center, meant to serve the local populace, is barely operational, failing to meet the community's needs.
In recent developments, Khairul Ali and Jabbar have reportedly constructed illegal structures on the donated land. These activities have continued unabated, despite government ownership of the land. The builders have remained silent on who authorized these constructions, raising suspicions and frustrations among residents.
This situation is particularly concerning in light of recent directives from Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, who has called for the identification and recovery of government lands. The land in question is situated conveniently close to the Ecopark police station, making the ongoing illegal activities even more perplexing.
Shah Alam expressed his dismay, saying, "My grandfather gave this land for the benefit of the people. It's disheartening to see it being misused in this way. The government needs to act swiftly to reclaim and utilize this land as it was intended."