Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar issued a stern response on Monday, June 3, following allegations made by Congress leader Jairam Ramesh. Ramesh had claimed that Union Home Minister Amit Shah had contacted 150 district magistrates across the nation after the Lok Sabha elections concluded, sparking controversy.
Addressing the media just a day before the vote count for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Rajiv Kumar condemned the spread of such rumors, stating, "Can someone influence them all? Tell us who did this. We will punish the person who did it. We will punish the person who did it...It is not right that you spread a rumour and doubt everyone."
Further rejecting leader Jairam Ramesh's request to get a week time to detail his allegation against Union home minister Amit Shah, directs him to respond by today 7 pm. Earlier, it sought for a response by the evening of June 2 for further action on the matter.
On Saturday, Ramesh had alleged that the "outgoing Home Minister has been calling up DMs/Collectors," denouncing it as "BJP desperation" and urging officials not to succumb to such pressures.
"So far, he has spoken to 150 of them. This is blatant and brazen intimidation, showing how desperate the BJP is. Let it be very clear: the will of the people shall prevail, and on June 4th, Mr. Modi, Mr. Shah, and the BJP will exit, and the INDIA Janbandhan will be victorious," Jairam Ramesh said.