Violence and chaos marked the Baranagar by-election day in 2024, with reports of a BJP party office being vandalized and several BJP workers injured. BJP candidate Sajal Ghosh was also attacked in Alam Bazar, with the party accusing Trinamool Congress of orchestrating the violence.
Sajal Ghosh expressing his anger over party office vandalizing incident, criticized the central forces for their inaction. He stated, "Our party office got vandalized, booth was captured, everything was looted. So what is the point of deploying you?" Ghosh also accused a member of the central force of fleeing the scene, questioning their effectiveness, "Were you not present here? One of your team members even ran away! What is the central force doing? What do you have to say?"
Further answering to the media, he exclaimed "the central forces are useless!"
In another incident, Sajal Ghosh chased and caught a fake voter at booth number 102 in Baranagar's Rabindra Bhavan. Protests continued as BJP leader Kausthav Bagchi faced opposition in Ward No. 30, and Trinamool supporters protested against Shilabhadra Dutt, the BJP candidate from Dumdum. The situation escalated further as Ghosh had a heated argument with the police.