Actress Shriya Saran faced an uncomfortable moment on Wednesday when an elderly woman commented on her clothing choice amid the scorching Mumbai heat. Shriya was reportedly attending a film screening in the city when the incident occurred.
In a video that has since gone viral, the woman can be seen gesturing towards Shriya's outfit, remarking on how she could wear such clothes in such hot weather. "Itne garmi mein kapde kaise pehni hui hai. Garmi nahi ho rahi hai? Ek toh AC me baithne wali bacchi hai. Chalo jao..." the woman said. Amidst laughter, Shriya tried to navigate the situation, even engaging in light-hearted banter with the photographers. Shriya was seen trying to get out of the awkward situation and she even joined the woman's banter with the paps. Dekha? Aisa hota hai," Shriya quipped before swiftly entering the theater.
Shriya looked stunning in a shimmering yellow top and skirt adorned with fringes. With minimal makeup, she radiated smiles as she attended the screening of "Do Aur Do Pyaar," featuring Vidya Balan and Pratik Gandhi in the lead roles.