Three days have elapsed since the attack on National Investigation Agency (NIA) officers probing the blasts in Bhupatinagar, East Medinipur, with the police yet to make any arrests in connection with the incident. However, authorities have summoned the affected NIA officer to Bhupatinagar police station for questioning, while also requesting the officer's medical report.
The NIA had approached the Calcutta High Court following the attack, which subsequently ruled on Wednesday that police can interrogate NIA officers via video conferencing, albeit with a 48-hour notice before the inquiry. However, the High Court imposed restrictions, barring the officers from being arrested in connection with the case.
The High Court's stringent stance in the Bhupatinagar case has raised questions about allegations of harassment leveled against NIA officers during the search operations. Notably, serious charges have been filed against the officers, including causing grievous hurt, based on a complaint lodged by the wife of accused Manobrata.
The incident underscores escalating tensions between law enforcement agencies and the NIA, with ongoing investigations into the Bhupatinagar blasts further complicating the situation.