PM Narendra Modi is set to kick off his campaign in West Bengal with a rally in Cooch Behar, located in the northern part of the state, on Thursday. This comes as a significant event as WB chief minister Mamata Banerjee is also scheduled to campaign in Cooch Behar on the same day, holding two rallies in the district.
While Mamata Banerjee is slated to address a rally in Cooch Behar around noon, PM Modi’s rally is scheduled for 3 pm. It marks the first instance in this election season where both leaders will address voters of the same constituency on the same day.
West Bengal holds 42 seats in the 543-seat Lok Sabha, making it one of the crucial battlegrounds in the upcoming elections, second only to Uttar Pradesh (80) and Maharashtra (48). In the previous 2019 polls, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had its best-ever performance in the state, securing 18 seats, including seven out of the eight seats in north Bengal. The ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) in the state secured 22 seats, while the Congress managed to win two.
Meanwhile, in Bihar, PM Modi’s election campaign kickstarts from Jamui.