Hollywood actor Vin Diesel recently took to Instagram to share a throwback photo from his first trip to India in 2017. The picture features Diesel alongside his "XXX: Return of Xander Cage" co-star Deepika Padukone, during the promotion of their action thriller film. In the image, Diesel can be seen helping Padukone with her coat, while the film's director DJ Caruso sits in an autorickshaw. Reflecting on his collaborations with directors, Diesel expressed humility and gratitude for the opportunity to work with talented individuals like Padukone and Caruso.
The 56-year-old actor disclosed that director DJ Caruso, known for films like "Taking Lives", "Disturbia", "Eagle Eye", and "I Am Number Four", has sent him a script for a new project. Diesel shared that while they're sorting out production schedules, his daughter was deeply moved by the script, finding its portrayal of sibling dynamics emotional. He asked his followers who they think should play his sister in the film, with his daughter suggesting Jennifer Lawrence.
This isn't the first time Diesel has shared a photo with Padukone since their collaboration on "XXX: Return of Xander Cage". In June 2023, he expressed his anticipation for another visit to India, reminiscing about his time working with Padukone and expressing his admiration for her. He shared a still from the movie, calling Padukone one of his favorite collaborators and expressing excitement for his return to the country.