Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has decided to withdraw his petition against ED arrest. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader's counsel, senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi, informed the Supreme Court of Kejriwal's decision. Singhvi stated that Kejriwal prefers to present his arguments against arrest directly before the remand judge in the trial court.
A special bench of the Supreme Court, led by Justice Sanjiv Khanna, had previously agreed to hear Kejriwal's plea challenging potential arrest. This legal move was in connection with an ongoing money-laundering probe linked to the controversial Delhi liquor policy scam case.
In a surprising turn of events, AAP leader and Delhi's Minister Gopal Rai made a startling claim on Friday morning. Rai alleged that authorities had placed Arvind Kejriwal's family under "house arrest". According to Rai, he attempted to visit the family, only to be obstructed by officials who prevented his entry.
"I have come here to meet his family but they have been put under house arrest. Under which law am I being stopped from meeting his family?" Rai questioned while speaking to reporters.