A devastating suicide bombing rocked the heart of Kandahar city, claiming the lives of three individuals and injuring 12 others, according to a provincial official. The explosion, which targeted civilians waiting outside the New Kabul Bank branch in central Kandahar, sent shockwaves through the community. Preliminary reports suggest that the victims were civilians, gathering at the bank to collect their salaries.
The incident, occurring at around 8:00 am local time, left the area strewn with debris and chaos as firefighters and security personnel rushed to clear the scene. Witnesses described a harrowing aftermath, with blood, shreds of clothing, and shoes scattered on the ground. While there was no immediate claim of responsibility, the attack underscores the persistent threat of violence in Afghanistan, even amidst the Taliban's control of the country. Hospitals, under strict instructions, refrained from providing details to the media, while authorities assured that the situation was under control and the injured were receiving treatment for superficial injuries.