A devastating incident unfolded in Gardenreach, Fatehpur, where a five-storey house collapsed, resulting in the loss of 10 lives. The house, built within a mere five feet of space between two existing structures, has sparked widespread concern over the proliferation of illegal constructions in the area
The collapse of a five-storey building in Fatehpur, Gardenreach, has shed light on the rampant issue of illegal constructions plaguing Kolkata. The house, erected in a space barely five feet wide between two existing structures, has raised questions about the efficacy of regulatory measures and the safety of residents. Allegations have surfaced regarding overnight construction practices and violations of municipal regulations, with concerns mounting over the structural integrity of neighboring buildings.
Following the tragedy, Kolkata Mayor Firhad Hakim emphasized the need for heightened public awareness and cooperation with municipal authorities to identify and report illegal constructions. However, past incidents, such as the collapse of a similar structure in Tiljala in 2018, underscore the persistent challenges in enforcing building regulations. Despite evacuation orders issued by the municipality, many affected residents remain displaced, highlighting the human cost of such disasters. As discussions ensue regarding potential reforms, the fate of vulnerable communities living amidst precarious structures remains uncertain.