A school teacher, identified as Dharmendra Kumar, was tragically shot dead by a Uttar Pradesh Police head constable, Chander Prakash, following a dispute over tobacco in Muzaffarnagar. The incident occurred while Kumar, part of an education department team from Varanasi, was transporting UP Board high school examination answer sheets to a college in Muzaffarnagar. Superintendent of Police (City) Satyanarain Parjapat revealed that the constable, allegedly intoxicated, demanded tobacco from Kumar during their journey on Sunday night, leading to a heated argument and the fatal shooting.
The education department team, including Kumar and police personnel, had been on a mission to submit answer sheets across various districts, reaching Muzaffarnagar's SD Inter College on Sunday night. The confrontation between Kumar and Prakash erupted as they awaited the college gate to open. Despite being rushed to a hospital, Kumar succumbed to his injuries. The police have initiated a case against the head constable and are conducting investigations involving all individuals present during the tragic incident.