This morning, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee arrived in Garden Reach, bearing a bandage on her head, after a 5-storey building collapsed in the locality killing 2 and injuring many. Mayor Firhad Hakim announced financial assistance of 5 lakhs to the families of the deceased.
Fire Minister Sujit Bose, along with local authorities, led rescue operations. Sujit Bose said 'The process of rescuing those who were trapped is going on. We met the injured and they are undergoing treatment and their condition is stable.'
'This is illegal construction, I express my condolences to the families of the deceased, I would urge the administration to take strict action against those involved in illegal construction, when this construction work was going on then the people involved should have been more alert.' CM said.
After visiting the nursing home didi said ' I met the injured, their condition is stable, meanwhile, rescue work is going on at the spot.'