In a heartwarming union, Bollywood actors Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda exchanged vows in an intimate ceremony held in Gurgaon on March 15. The newlyweds, who met on the sets of 'Pagalpanti' and have since shared a blossoming romance, made their marriage official on social media platforms, delighting fans with their first wedding pictures shared on Instagram on March 16. Clad in a stunning pink lehenga, Kriti radiated elegance, while Pulkit looked dashing in a mint green sherwani, capturing the essence of their special day.
The couple's love story, which flourished amidst their on-screen collaborations in films like 'Veerey Ki Wedding' and 'Taish,' has been a source of joy for fans, especially after their romantic Valentine's Day snapshots hinted at an impending union. Pulkit's previous marriage to Shweta Rohira ended after 11 months, but his bond with Kriti has only grown stronger, culminating in a beautiful celebration of love and commitment.
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