After Bihar's cabinet expansion, portfolios have been distributed among ministers representing different parties. Sunil Kumar, a member of JDU, has been appointed as the Education Minister, succeeding Vijay Kumar Chaudhary. Chaudhary, in turn, now oversees the Water Resources Department, following the directive of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Meanwhile, JDU's Ashok Choudhary assumes responsibility for the Rural Works Department, previously held by Jayant Raj, who now manages the building construction department. Mangal Pandey retains his position as the state's Health Minister under the leadership of CM Nitish Kumar.
Deputy Chief Ministers Samrat Chaudhary and Vijay Sinha also hold significant portfolios. Chaudhary manages the Finance and Commercial-Tax Departments, while Sinha oversees Road Construction, Mines and Geology, and Art, Culture, and Youth. Other key portfolios include Water Resources and Parliamentary Affairs for Vijay Kumar Chaudhary, Energy and Planning and Development for Bijendra Prasad Yadav, and Science, Technology, and Technical Education for Sumit Kumar Singh, among others.