Sheikh Shahjahan, the Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader accused of sexual violence and land grabbing in Sandeshkhali village, was arrested on Thursday morning, according to police reports. The 53-year-old political figure, known as a strongman in the Trinamool ranks, was apprehended from a residence in the Minakhan area of North 24 Parganas district where he had been hiding.
Senior police officer Aminul Islam Khan confirmed the arrest, stating that Shahjahan was picked up from the Minakhan locality and is scheduled to be presented in court later today. Sajahan is at Barasat court lockup at present. He is sent for a 10-day police custody.
The arrest follows the recent directive from the Calcutta High Court, which had expressed dissatisfaction with the delay in the state police's actions regarding Shahjahan. The court had clearly stated that he "should be arrested".