Congress and AAP have formalized their alliance for the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections, revealing seat-sharing arrangements across various states. In Gujarat, Congress will contest 24 seats while AAP will field candidates in 2 constituencies. Similarly in Haryana, Congress will compete in 9 seats while AAP will contest one. In Delhi, AAP will lead with four seats while Congress will contest three, as per the agreement.
Mukul Wasnik, Congress general secretary said "Gujarat has 26 Lok Sabha seats. Congress will contest on 24. AAP will have its candidates on 2 seats - Bharuch and Bhavnagar,Haryana has 10 Lok Sabha seats. Congress will contest on 9. AAP will have its candidates on 1 seat - in Kurukshetra.
The two parties are still discussing a potential arrangement in Assam.
While, BJP has called the alliance politics of opportunism.“There is a serious trust crisis between the Congress and AAP but despite that they are going to form an alliance is nothing but politics of opportunism," Delhi BJP leader Ramvir Singh Bidhuri said.