In a heart-wrenching incident at Mumbai airport, an 80-year-old man lost his life after not receiving the wheelchair he had booked for himself and his wife. The elderly couple, who had just arrived on an Air India flight from New York, faced a distressing situation as only one wheelchair was available upon landing.
In a selfless act, the husband chose to make his wife sit on the wheelchair while he walked alongside. Unfortunately, the elderly man had to cover a considerable distance of 1.5 kilometers on foot to reach the immigration counter, leading to a tragic outcome.
Air India has provided clarification, stating that due to high demand for wheelchairs, the airline requested the passenger to wait until one was available. However, the elderly man opted to walk with his wife, leading to a deterioration in his health.
The airline's spokesperson explained that the passenger fell ill while on the way to clear immigration, and despite their request to wait, he chose to walk. Subsequently, the elderly man experienced a heart attack and was rushed to Nanavati Hospital, where he tragically passed away. This incident raises concerns about the accessibility and assistance provided to elderly passengers at airports.