The Allahabad High Court completed the hearing in the contentious Gyanvapi Vyasji Tehkhana case, focusing on the worship rights in the basement of the Gyanvapi complex in Varanasi. Senior Supreme Court advocate CS Vaidyanathan, representing the Hindu side, highlighted the historical significance of the basement, asserting that Hindus had worshipped there until 1993. Vaidyanathan argued under Order 40 Rule 1 CPC, citing the Varanasi Court's appointment of the District Magistrate as the receiver, facilitating formal puja rites. He emphasized that Muslims had never offered namaz in the basement, safeguarding their rights.
In response, senior advocate Syed Farman Ahmed Naqvi, representing the Muslim side, raised objections to the appointment of the District Magistrate as the receiver, alleging procedural lapses and a conflict of interest. Naqvi argued against the validity of the order and highlighted discrepancies in the documentation concerning the property. He contested the involvement of the District Magistrate, who is also an ex-officio member of the Kashi Vishwanath Trust, suggesting bias.
The court has reserved its verdict following the completion of arguments from both sides, awaiting a decision in this sensitive case.