Former South Africa captain AB de Villiers has officially confirmed the long-standing rumors about Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma expecting their second child. During a candid Question & Answer session on his YouTube channel, de Villiers shared insights into Kohli's absence from the first two Tests against England, citing personal reasons. De Villiers read aloud a recent text exchange between him and Kohli, where the cricketer mentioned spending quality time with his family and revealed that Anushka is expecting their second child.
Kohli, known for prioritizing family, withdrew from the initial Tests against England and had also missed a T20I against Afghanistan last month, both instances attributed to personal reasons. Although rumors of Anushka's pregnancy had been circulating, de Villiers' confirmation now puts the speculations to rest. Anushka Sharma, despite not officially announcing the pregnancy, has made public appearances with her baby bump, corroborating the news that the star couple is set to welcome their second child after the birth of Vamika in 2021.
AB De Villiers said, "Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma are expecting their 2nd child, so Virat is spending time with his family". (AB YT).
— Virat Kohli Fan Club (@Trend_VKohli) February 3, 2024