All central government offices in India will observe a half-day holiday on January 22 in light of the consecration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, as announced by Union minister Jitendra Singh. The decision aims to accommodate the overwhelming sentiments surrounding the auspicious occasion of Ram Lalla Pran Pratishtha. A directive issued to all central government ministries and departments stated that the half-day closure will last until 2:30 pm on January 22, allowing employees to participate in the celebrations.
The Ram Temple's pran-pratishtha ceremony, scheduled for 12:30 pm on January 22, will witness the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and various dignitaries. The seven-day pre-consecration rituals began on January 16 at the Ayodhya temple complex, leading up to the significant event. In response to the occasion's cultural and religious importance, the Bar Council of India has requested Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud to grant a holiday on January 22. In addition, PM Modi released commemorative postage stamps on Thursday, depicting historical moments surrounding the Ram Temple's opening.