On Thursday morning, ED once again raided the flat of 'middleman' Prasanna Roy in the teacher appointment corruption case. The CBI arrested him for his involvement in the primary teacher recruitment corruption case. ED raided the Newtown residence at around 6:30 a.m. According to the Central Investigation Agency, Prasanna has a flat in this luxurious building. ED officials have been conducting searches at a total of seven places in the city since this morning.
According to Central Investigation Agency sources, raids were conducted at seven places in the city on Thursday to investigate SSC recruitment 'corruption'. Initially, it is believed that, on the basis of Thursday's search operation, ED has also become active in the investigation of the SSC corruption case.
Till now, they were initially investigating the recruitment corruption case. Apart from Prasanna's flat, another residence was searched on Thursday morning. According to ED sources, Prasanna's office was there. Two places in Newtown and one in Nayabad are being searched. Seven ED teams set out on the search operation on Thursday morning. CRPF soldiers are with them.