Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav announced on Wednesday that he will not attend the consecration ceremony of Ayodhya's Ram temple on January 22. Yadav emphasized that decisions regarding seat sharing within the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) for the upcoming 2024 national polls are not hastily made.
Responding to queries about the delay in seat-sharing arrangements, Yadav stated that the ongoing talks would take some time before reaching a final resolution.
The seat-sharing discussions have led to speculation about a potential rift between RJD and its ally Janata Dal (United) or JD(U). Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, reportedly upset over the delay, has called for an early resolution, particularly in Bihar, which holds significant parliamentary representation.
JD(U) is seeking 17 seats, insisting on retaining those won in 2019, while leaving the rest for RJD, Congress, and three Left parties. Despite these challenges, RJD leaders express optimism, noting that the deal is almost final, proposing a formula of 17 seats each for JD(U) and RJD, with the remaining allocated to other allies.