National Award-winning playback singer KS Chithra stirred controversy and received both criticism and support after a video circulated on social media where she urged people to chant 'Sri Rama, Jaya Rama, Jaya Jaya Rama' mantra and light lamps during the consecration ceremony at the Ram temple in Ayodhya on January 22.
The 60-year-old singer, known for her contributions to the music industry, faced backlash from some social media users who accused her of overlooking the history of Ayodhya and the Babri Masjid's destruction.
Critics argued that her comments were politically charged, with one user claiming the Ram temple's construction was a political move by the Sangh Parivar. On the other hand, Chithra also garnered support from those defending her right to express personal opinions and religious beliefs. BJP and Congress leaders joined the discourse, with the BJP condemning cyber attacks on the singer and the Congress leader acknowledging her right to state her opinions.