A war of words ensued between All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) chief Asaduddin Owaisi and the AAP as Owaisi criticized the AAP's decision to organize Sundar Kand Path in all Vidhan Sabha constituencies of Delhi. Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj had announced on Monday that the chanting of Sunder Kand, a segment of the Hindu epic Ramayana, would take place on the first Tuesday of each month in every Vidhan Sabha constituency. Owaisi expressed concerns, questioning the party's distinction from the BJP and accusing them of aligning with a Hindutva stance similar to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Owaisi stated that the current trend in politics revolved around competitive Hindutva, with many parties focused on securing the votes of the majority community. He said, “Most parties are bent on winning the majority of community votes. The politics of competitive Hindutva is being adopted. I appeal to all Muslims in the county to observe this. If even now our secular Hindu brothers and Muslims do not notice this, who will be at fault?”
In response to Owaisi's criticism, AAP leader Bharadwaj dismissed the concerns, stating, "We (AAP) don't need to answer (Asaduddin) Owaisi. We will pray to Lord Hanuman to bless him." Owaisi had earlier taken to X (formerly Twitter) to express his skepticism, accusing the AAP of adopting a Hindutva agenda and maintaining silence on social issues. The AAP minister countered that the Sundar Kand Paath recitation was a positive initiative, and any objection raised by political parties was unwarranted.