The trailer for the much-anticipated film, Fighter, featuring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor, was unveiled, triggering a social media frenzy. Positioned against the backdrop of India's bold airstrike on Pakistan following the 2019 Pulwama terror attack, the trailer garnered rapid attention. Netizens, enamored by the film's portrayal of patriotism, particularly highlighted Hrithik Roshan's impactful dialogues, including the controversial claim on Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, catapulting Fighter into the limelight and earning early acclaim as a "certified blockbuster."
Fighter, directed by Siddharth Anand of War and Pathaan fame, unfolds against the historical context of India's decisive airstrike on Pakistan post the Pulwama terror attack that claimed 40 lives. The trailer's release generated swift reactions on social media, with netizens praising Hrithik Roshan's performance and the film's intense narrative. Notable dialogues, such as Hrithik's assertion of India's rights on Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and the threat to turn the neighboring nation into "India occupied Pakistan," resonated strongly with viewers.
Fans expressed high expectations for the film, anticipating a blend of action, emotions, romance, and patriotism. Fighter, set to release on January 25, is poised for success during the extended weekend, promising a compelling cinematic experience with a star-studded cast that includes Karan Singh Grover, Akshay Oberoi, Ashutosh Rana, and Sanjeeda Sheikh.