In a dramatic turn of events during Rohit Sharma's return to T20I cricket, the India skipper faced a disappointing run-out for a duck, sparking an animated outburst directed at his partner Shubman Gill. Simon Doull, the former New Zealand quick, supports Rohit's reaction, emphasizing the skipper's frustration with Gill's ball-watching approach, leading to the run-out.
Rohit Sharma's much-anticipated comeback to T20I cricket took an unexpected turn as he faced a run-out after being stranded at the non-striker's end alongside Shubman Gill. The dismissal triggered a rare on-field outburst from Rohit, expressing his frustration with Gill's failure to respond to the captain's call. Commenting on the incident, Simon Doull, the former New Zealand fast bowler, backed Rohit's reaction, highlighting the importance of trust in batting partnerships and emphasizing Gill's lapse in judgment.
Doull, the former New Zealand quick, said "Shivam Dube was actually listening, I don't mind that. Batting in partnerships is all about trust. And you trust someone until they misuse that trust. Shubman Gill trusts Rohit Sharma first and foremost, and doesn't turn around to look where the ball has gone. He (Rohit) makes it home comfortably. And that's the problem here. Rohit has called yes. Way before that, and he (Gill) should have gone. And he's telling him now. Can't repeat what he said because it's not very nice. But Rohit Sharma is absolutely spot on and in the right".