Uddhav Thackeray, Chief of Shiv Sena (UBT), launched a critical attack on the BJP in an editorial featured in Saamana, the party's mouthpiece. The editorial labeled the Eknath Shinde faction as the outcome of the BJP's "test tube baby experiment," using sharp sarcasm to criticize the rival faction's legitimacy within Shiv Sena.
The editorial quoted BJP MLA Rahul Narvekar, who declared his support for the Shinde faction, referring to it as his "test tube baby" and asserting it as the real Shiv Sena. The editorial highlighted Narvekar's political affiliations over the past five years, accusing him of supporting the flawed order of the Election Commission.
Eknath Shinde, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra and leader of the faction under scrutiny, responded to the Speaker's ruling, stating that it is a victory for truth and democracy. He criticized those who run political parties through dynasties, emphasizing that a political party cannot be treated as private property. Shinde's reaction highlights the ongoing tensions within Shiv Sena and the broader Maharashtra political landscape.