In the recent developments of the Mahadev betting app case, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has included former Chhattisgarh chief minister Bhupesh Baghel in its second charge sheet, leading Baghel to allege a 'political conspiracy.' Baghel contends that the ED has manipulated statements, particularly highlighting the retraction of a claim by Asim Das, an alleged courier arrested in the case.
Das, who initially asserted deception, is now said to have withdrawn his statement denying cash delivery to Bhupesh Baghel. The charge sheet, filed amid allegations of bribes amounting to ₹508 crore linked to the Mahadev App, also names other accused, including police constable Bheem Singh Yadav and executive Shubham Soni.
Baghel accuses the ED of using forceful tactics, including arrests and threats, to coerce individuals into making statements against him and his associates, characterizing the investigation as a tool for political pressure and defamation.