Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar has displayed a magnanimous gesture by congratulating Trinamool Congress MP Kalyan Banerjee on his birthday and extending an invitation for dinner. The TMC leader had recently stirred controversy by mimicking Dhankhar during a protest at the Parliament Winter Session.
Banerjee took to his social media, expressing his gratitude, he wrote "I am overwhelmed that he personally had a telephone conversation with my wife and conveyed his blessings to my entire family."
I thank Hon'ble @VPIndia for his warm greetings on my Birthday. I'm overwhelmed that he personally had a telephone conversation with my wife and conveyed his blessings to my entire family.
— Kalyan Banerjee (@KBanerjee_AITC) January 4, 2024
He also invited my wife and me to have dinner at his residence in Delhi with his family.
This follows the contentious mimicry incident, where Kalyan Banerjee was seen mimicking Dhankar, while Congress leader Rahul Gandhi recorded the act during the protest of suspended MPs at the Parliament complex.The mimicry incident had earlier sparked controversy, with Banerjee defending it as a form of art and asserting his fundamental right to continue the practice.