Despite being under arrest in the state's high-profile teacher appointment corruption case, Kalighater Kaku, also known as Sujay Krishna Bhadra, is facing renewed scrutiny from the Central Enforcement Directorate (ED). Sources within the central agency reveal that preparations are underway to take legal action against the superintendent of the Government SSKM Hospital, where Kaku has been admitted for an extended period.
As per the High Court order, the investigation into teacher appointment corruption was to complete by December 31. But, Kalighater Kaku, a key figure in the teacher appointment corruption case, has been admitted to the Government SSKM Hospital for an extended period. Despite undergoing surgery four months ago, conflicting reports about his health have emerged. Last week, the hospital cited his critical condition when ED officials arrived to obtain voice samples, raising suspicions.
The central agency has decided to approach the Calcutta High Court against this. Officials claim that the SSKM hospital authorities are allegedly providing false information, and legal actions are being considered to address the discrepancies.
Dr. Dipankar Mukherjee, head of the cardiology department at SSKM Hospital, states that Kaku's health is stable. Although kept in the ICU, it is stated that this will not be a prolonged arrangement, and decisions will be made based on his ongoing health condition.