Ranbir Kapoor's latest cinematic venture, "Animal," is poised to become his highest-grossing film as it approaches the ₹500 crore mark at the global box office. The film, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, has already surpassed the earnings of "Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva" and stands at ₹481 crore gross worldwide after just five days since its release on December 1.
The production house, T-Series, shared the impressive milestone on Instagram, hinting at the film's potential to cross ₹500 crore.With a domestic box office collection of ₹283 crore in five days, "Animal" has captivated audiences both in India and abroad.
The film explores a violent world set against the backdrop of a strained relationship between Ranbir Kapoor's character, Ranvijay Singh, and his father Balbir Singh, portrayed by Anil Kapoor.
As fans express enthusiasm for the film's success, it has already surpassed the earnings of "Brahmastra" and now trails behind Kapoor's acclaimed film "Sanju," which achieved a worldwide gross of ₹586.85 crore.
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