Officers from the Odisha Police, the Central Industrial Security Force (CIDSF), and Customs have seized a staggering 22 kg of cocaine with an estimated value of ₹220 crore. The contraband was discovered on an Indonesian cargo ship that had anchored at Paradip Port in Odisha.
The Indonesian bulk carrier named MV Debi anchored at Paradip International Cargo Terminal was on its way to Denmark.
The discovery unfolded when officers initially mistook the concealed packets for explosive devices. However, subsequent scanning revealed the presence of small rectangular packets containing drugs. A preliminary narcotics test confirmed the substance as cocaine. An official stated that the seized packets are undergoing further testing in a government laboratory to gather more detailed information.
The international market value of a kilogram of cocaine is estimated to be ₹10 crore, making this seizure a significant blow to drug trafficking operations. The official emphasized the need for a thorough investigation, mentioning that the crew members of the vessel will be questioned about the presence of the cocaine, and further arrests are anticipated in connection with the case.