The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) initiated a series of searches and raids across West Bengal, targeting locations associated with the alleged teachers’ recruitment scam and municipal recruitment scam. The operation, which commenced at 9 am, included the residences of Trinamool Congress (TMC) MLA Jafiqul Islam and councillors Bappaditya Dasgupta and Debraj Chakraborty.
MLA Jafiqul Islam's houses in Domkal and Cooch Behar, Dasgupta’s residence in Kolkata, and Chakraborty’s home in Teghoria-Rajarhat were among the premises targeted. Dasgupta, a close associate of former West Bengal minister Partha Chattopadhyay, represents Ward No 101 in the Kolkata Municipal Corporation. Chakraborty, the Bidhannagar municipal councillor, was not present at home during the raid. The CBI had earlier summoned Chakraborty in October 2022 for an inquiry into alleged post-poll violence.
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