Title: Mamata Banerjee Initiates Rescue Effort for Trapped Bengal Workers in Uttarakhand's Silkyara Tunnel**
In a proactive response to the crisis in Uttarakhand's Silkyara Tunnel, CM Mamata Banerjee has dispatched a dedicated team to facilitate the safe evacuation of workers from West Bengal. The trapped workers have been part of the ongoing rescue operation in the tunnel.
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee personally shared this information through her official social media account on Tuesday, stating "Have rushed a team to Uttarkashi for helping our people. The team, led by Rajdeep Dutta, Liaison Officer, Office of Resident Commissioner, New Delhi, will help evacuation and safe return of the trapped workers in the tunnel at Silkyara, Uttarkashi to their homes in West Bengal."
Rajdeep Dutta, Liaison Officer of the Resident Commissioner's office in New Delhi, heads the rescue team. The team's primary objective is to assist in the evacuation of the workers trapped in the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi and ensure their safe return to their homes in West Bengal.
In her official statement, Chief Minister Banerjee detailed the vehicle and driver information, confirming the team's departure for Uttarkashi.